A specific class in our school which I'd like to call..
But before we talk about our class.. I'd like to talk about the one who manages the subject.
And that is our Journalism teacher,
Mr. Paul Vincent Geraño
Yes. That is him.
He is a 29 year old grammar lover. He loves grammar so much that when he speaks, you can't spot a single error in his grammar. He's very good at English. His vocabulary is so wide that sometimes I can't understand what he's saying anymore. He always wants order in the class and from that you can tell very well that he has a very organized way of living. He's sometimes strict about the behavior of the learners in the classroom, but it's a good thing because we learners will learn to be more discipline during class hours. He wants his learners to be updated of the news so that is why he gives us a quiz on the most recent events happening locally, and even in other parts of the world (Yeah, I get very low scores there). But when he's out of class he loves to laugh around and talk with his students. Yes, that's our Journalism teacher. :)
In our Journalism class, we have quizzes of the most recent events (as I mentioned up there). We discuss about mass media, newspapers, the history of mass communication, well, mostly about Journalism of course. And when in first year we discuss about creative writing, here, we discuss about REAL Journalism, not just by writing in a creative way. To increase our vocabulary, our teacher gives us a list of words which we have to search the meaning for. The next meeting, we'll have a quiz about it. You'd think it's boring, but no. We have very fun games and activities in groups like finding the hidden word by guessing names of celebrities, guessing what brand that icon belongs to, or sometimes giving rare names of colors, animals, and desserts which other groups would have never though of, and in individual games and activities using our illustration board and marker. It's a nice class actually, and I learn a lot from it. But it's also hard to get a high grade. When I heard that some of the smartest students from other sections got like 37 / 50 in their mastery tests, I say to myself, THEN WHAT SCORE WILL I GET? And then a miracle happened. I got 37 / 50. You'd think it's not a miracle but guess what? I'm already the SECOND highest in our section. Our highest was 40. YES, IT'S THAT HARD. But it's a challenge for me. And I WILL do my very best this next quarter to get an Outstanding grade, not just a Very Satisfactory grade. ;)
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